PEP is one of the very few facilities of its kind in the Low country and in fact in the entire United states that offers it members a STEM/CS program. The Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, including Computer Science (STEM/CS) program at PEP offers our members the opportunity to learn about and create various STEM projects that will help stimulate their day to day lives.


In an ever-changing world, it’s very important that our PEP members are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of information, and to use this information to make decisions. These are the kinds of skills that our members develop in the PEP STEM program.  If we want our members to be able to function, understand and solve some of the challenges of today and tomorrow, and to be able to function more and more independently, building their skills, content knowledge, and literacy in STEM fields is essential. We must also make sure that, no matter what level our members are at, they have access to quality learning environments. 

Our STEM programs are offered several day a week and consist of both instruction in the various STEM disciplines as well as hands-on work building, testing and operating stem projects such as solar powered vehicles and robots, building and programming various robotic devices, and understanding, building and testing electrical devices. 

Our STEM programs are offered several day a week

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